pretty cool managed to get high score my name is MERKLE on high score list
pretty cool managed to get high score my name is MERKLE on high score list
Score of 86 all time low for me
I got a score of 86 while trying to get no damage going down the stairs...anyway SWEET GAME its pretty sweet and keep making other games your good at it
Sweet Game
dude that was sweet great job!
Great except
the guitar strings are wring high e on bottom and low e on top trust me I know I play real guitar
Reeeeeeeeeeal Origanal
yea try doing a game that isnt like 500 of the others driving games
kinda addicting
good job keep up the good work and look forward to more
My name is John. I reside in Syracuse, New York and I am a music artist here on newgrounds. I hope you enjoy my stuff!
Age 29, Male
DeRuyter Central School
New York
Joined on 8/3/08